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送交者: fdbk 2008月11月18日21:33:43 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话
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石头的最坏情况是7-5-1。折实塔不可能超过石头。胖狗和大麻要对打一场, 一个6-5, 一个5-5-1, 二者最多只有一个能超过石头。石头的最坏情况, 矩阵、橡皮和豆腐都是8-5-0或者更好, 胖狗和大麻有一个能超过石头, 登山人和野狼都超过石头, 才可能石头不能出线。这需要以下条件完全满足:

1. Stone Loses to Tufu (a little less than 50%)
2. Yelang Ties Mtneer (about 1%)
3. Yelang Wins Stone (a little less than 50%)
4. Mtneer Wins Tufu (about 50%)
5. Zista and Cannabis at least 1 Loss and 1 tie to panggou or Cannabis Wins both Cybercat and panggou (combined a little more than 50%)
6. Loser of Matrix vs. Erase_ALL Wins the week 13 matchup or in case of Tie, they both have to have more points than Stone or win their week 13 matchup.(a little more than 50%)
7. Yelang and Mtneer both have more points than Stone. (for Mtneer, a little less than 50%; for Yelang, it is less than 1% to overcome 103 points of deficit).

石头出线的可能性 is greater than 99.9997%
  对了, - 袈裟道人 11/19/08 (111)
  姐夫是你还是阿狗抓的?就一个字,牛! /无内容 - 阿珂 11/18/08 (68)
  登山人和野狼本周要对打,不可能2个都超过石头 /无内容 - ztyixia 11/18/08 (87)
    打平,而且胜另外的队。但是需要很高得分。  /无内容 - 袈裟道人 11/19/08 (96)
  除了 月半 狗队之外, - LifeMaster 11/18/08 (187)
    大师也是国际象棋大师。 - 袈裟道人 11/19/08 (124)
    Yelang也抽风过一次吗  /无内容 - fdbk 11/18/08 (57)
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