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This is ridiculous!
送交者: RogerRocks 2009月02月02日11:40:35 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 是!被某些费米气疯了。重庆崽儿 于 2009-02-02 11:13:38
Do not be silly!

No matter whether you like it, Roger Federer is a great player. This has been demonstrated by his record. Many people appreciate his elegance (his making tennis look so easy) and manner. You may not like him. It is OK. Nobody asked you to. But you cannot prevent people from speaking out. It is darn a free world.

BTW, Nadal is a great player too, especially his fighting spirit. But his playing manner is killing tennis :-)
  阁下从哪里看出我 prevent people from - 重庆崽儿 02/02/09 (183)
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