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here another one
送交者: w2mazi 2009月05月08日13:28:35 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 借台报告一件刚发生的奇事:快乐园丁 于 2009-05-08 12:38:46
i received some letters about the home morgate, basicly it says it's a loan adjustment notification,it's not a refinance, as low as 3% .....and give a phone number.

so i made one call ask for the exact processes and how it works

he said 1. we need gather your information 2. analysis and decide which option is best for you ...

and then?

you made decition.

and then?

let's back to step 1.

u did not answer my question,suppose i choose a option and made a decision, what will you do?

let's back to step 1....


Any one knows how they make money from this?
  不懂。难道先付手续费? /无内容 - 快乐园丁 05/08/09 (182)
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