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繼續古來的. wikipeida里講官方語言是英法語,
送交者: 阿胖~ 2008月07月26日18:09:08 於 [競技沙龍] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 規定只是要求提供三種以上嗎?南二樓 於 2008-07-26 18:05:48

Traditionally (starting at the 1928 Summer Olympics) Greece marches first, because of its historical status as the origin of the Olympics, while the host nation marches last. (In 2004, when the Games were held in Athens, Greece marched last as host nation rather than first, although the flag of Greece was carried in first.) Between these two nations, all other participating nations march in alphabetical order of the dominant language of the host country,[citation needed] or in French or English alphabetical order if the host country does not write its dominant language in an alphabet which has a set order. In the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona, both Spanish and Catalan were official languages of the games, but due to politics surrounding the use of Catalan, the nations entered in French alphabetical order. The XVIII Olympic Winter Games in Nagano, Japan saw nations entering in English alphabetical order since the Japanese language grouped both China and Chinese Taipei together in the Parade of Nations.
  慣例規慣例,沒有法律效益 - dadahan 07/26/08 (185)
  胖大姐, 問個德文, 有正經用處. - 南二樓 07/26/08 (177)
    哈哈, - 阿胖~ 07/26/08 (154)
      是在指一項機電產品, - 南二樓 07/26/08 (133)
        嘿嘿 - 阿胖~ 07/26/08 (133)
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2006: 體育老師美國打工記(二)寶馬1000為座駕
2006: Houston 餐館補充
2005: 【乒乓話從前】第十五回 生膠門立宗 河
2005: Sorry--【乒乓話從前】第十四回 照老規
2004: 球員麥迪(翻譯)
2004: 逢鎮必飛