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送交者: 季牧龍 2014年12月30日09:16:47 於 [競技沙龍] 發送悄悄話


Jen: "Well, I went to dinner with a guy last night, and....."

Lisa: "A guy? What is his name? How did you meet him? How does he look? Is he a nice person? Do you know anything about his family?...."

Jen: "His name is Ao You-Fa (敖友發), and he is very smart....."

Tom: "The name sounds Chinese. Is he Chinese?"

Jen: "Yes he is Chinese."

Lisa: "Does he speak English?"

Jen: "Of course. He was born in the U.S."

Tom: "So his name you just told us, is this his last name or first name or full name?"

Jen: "Full name. His last name is AO, so according to Chinese tradition he places his last name first and first  name last in the order."

Tom: (laughing uncontrollably) "HAHAHAHAHA".

Jen & Lisa: "What's wrong? What's so funny?"

Tom: "Hahaha. It sounds like All You F*ck,, hahaha.  Jen, you really need to find a way to tell him that maybe he wants to change how his name is said".

Lisa: "You dirty minded old man, not everybody thinks like you do."

Tom: "Well, at least this is America, and most people here use first name first and last name last.


one week later


Jen: "I went to a movie with Fa-You Ao."

Lisa: "Another guy? And still Chinese?"

Jen: "No, the same guy. I brought up the topic of how names are used in America and he was very good about it.  He said that outside of his family circle he is perfectly fine with people saying his first name first and last name last. So now to us he is Fa-You Ao."

Lisa: "Very nice."

Tom: "Hahahahahaha. Oh my. I am out of breath. Could someone get me a cup of water? Hahahaha"

Jen & Lisa: "What's wrong with you again?"

Tom: "Hahaha, now it is You F*ck All."

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