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ztyixia: 2008 NFL 賽季紀錄
送交者: ztyixia 2009年02月03日09:01:11 於 [競技沙龍] 發送悄悄話
最亮點: 底特律獅子:0勝16負,前無古人, 後無來者,驚天地動鬼神。以後沒有那個隊能打破該紀錄,嘿嘿。 匹茲堡鋼人:6次超級碗。 ------------ 最長飛狗嘗試:Longest Field Goal Attempt (76 yards), Sebastian Janikowski, Oakland September 28, vs San Diego TE最多接碼:Most Receiving Yards by a Tight End, Career, (10,887 yards) Tony Gonzalez, Kansas City October 5, at Carolina Longest Overtime Blocked Punt Return for a Touchdown (3 yards) Monty Beisel, Arizona October 12, vs Dallas Longest Overtime Field Goal (57 yards) Sebastian Janikowski, Oakland October 19, vs NY Jets Consecutive Games with 6+ Receptions, Start of Season (11 games) Wes Welker, New England November 9, vs Buffalo Consecutive Games with 400+ Yards Passing (2) Matt Cassel, New England November 17, vs NY Jets , Miami Longest Interception Return (108 yards) Ed Reed, Baltimore November 23, vs Philadelphia Most Passing Yards, First 10 Weeks of Season (3,254 yards) Drew Brees, New Orleans November 23, vs Green Bay Highest Total Points Scored in a Single Week (837 points) All 32 teams Nov 20-24, 2008 Longest Regular Season Interception Return without TD (98 yards) Brandon McDonald, Cleveland December 15, at Philadelphia Most Consecutive Games Lost, Start of Season (16) Detroit Lions December 21, vs New Orleans Most Consecutive Games Lost, End of Season (16) Detroit Lions December 28, vs Green Bay Most Games Lost, Season (16) Detroit Lions Fewest Sacks By A Team, Season (10) Kansas City Chiefs Cincinnati Bengals Fewest Accepted Penalties, 16-game season (58) New England Patriots December 28, vs Buffalo Bills Most Wins Without Making Playoffs, Since 1990 (11) New England Patriots December 28 Lowest Winning Percentage While Still Making Playoffs, Non-Strike Season (.500) San Diego Chargers December 28 Most Points Allowed in a Season (517) Detroit Lions December 28
  (咣噹一下)暈倒!又是阿胖把回帖砍掉,牛!  /無內容 - 紅山狼 02/03/09 (128)
  短訊:阿沙文轉會阿森納成功.  /無內容 - RedRose 02/03/09 (164)
    俺回你的貼被阿胖打劫了  /無內容 - 紅山狼 02/03/09 (138)
      這周的任務是 - 阿胖~ 02/03/09 (150)
    帖子的左上方, - 袈裟道人 02/03/09 (216)
      不是在沙龍發,是出版書的時候:)) - 阿黛 02/03/09 (208)
        那個應該跟出版商的系統有關吧? - 袈裟道人 02/03/09 (198)
          Word功能不夠用. 我用INSIGHT PUBLISHER - 阿黛 02/03/09 (264)
            你的觀察有點道理,但原因的分析過於簡單。不要急於下結論 - 阿黛 02/03/09 (217)
              咣噹,阿胖你又把貼子吞了,你得注點兒意了:))  /無內容 - 阿黛 02/03/09 (170)
                可愛的萬維啊,我認錯還不行嗎?! - 阿胖~ 02/03/09 (184)
                  我查了,平體沒問題,就是黑體沒法黑.我想 - 阿黛 02/03/09 (154)
                    那我就不知道了:( - 阿胖~ 02/03/09 (148)
                      謝謝了.注意減肥哦,我已經 - 阿黛 02/03/09 (120)
  頂! - RedRose 02/03/09 (246)
    0勝總可以吧? - ztyixia 02/03/09 (111)
    沒那麼嚴重吧。 今年傷病猛於虎。  /無內容 - 紅山狼 02/03/09 (185)
      小炮還好,大概就幾天 - ztyixia 02/03/09 (140)
      千萬別再有主力受傷了, - RedRose 02/03/09 (127)
        兄弟不滿您說,俺也不知道是該高興還是該惋惜。 - 紅山狼 02/03/09 (92)
  充分反映了經濟受災情況。  /無內容 - 紅山狼 02/03/09 (144)
    獅子的防守突然變得不堪一擊了。 - 袈裟道人 02/03/09 (150)
  底特律真夠可以的,比TEXAN還過分 - 南天門 02/03/09 (140)
  Longest Overtime Blocked Punt - 袈裟道人 02/03/09 (200)
    因為第一次  /無內容 - ztyixia 02/03/09 (150)
      過去加時沒有這個?  /無內容 - 袈裟道人 02/03/09 (129)
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