阿拉巴馬河道縱橫,沼澤遍地,“The best part of the vacation was the swamp tour.”,小拖在他的旅遊日記里這樣寫道。“As I got into the airboat, I was ready and excited to see some alligators. I'd never seen alligators in person, only on tv or in the zoo.”
“The operator started the engine and we were off. At first, we were moving extremely slow to the point where I wondered if the entire experience would be this boring.”我們圍着蘆葦叢的邊沿尋找鱷魚,只找到幾個鱷魚洞。
“Then, the boat turned onto open water and we picked up speed. We sped across the marshy area with the wind blowing in our faces. It was like a rollercoaster only in the water. ”
“Suddenly, the engine stopped and the guide pointed out a dark long shape on the bank. It was an alligator. I could see the bumps and ridges on the alligator's back. We had already learned that alligators were shy animals and tended to avoid humans. Sure enough, as the boat drifted closer and closer to the reptile, it quickly darted away and dove underwater. The loud roar of the engine was heard again and we were off. At one point, we almost ran over an alligator that was drifting peacefully in the shallow water. As we neared it, it jumped out of our way with a huge splash and waddled into the nearby reeds.”
來到一片蘆葦叢,在船老大的指點下,我們看到小鱷魚,遍地!他一伸手不費任何力氣就抓了一條,是個baby girl。
這個,這個,are you sure?
我很認真地撫了撫小鱷魚的背,大名鼎鼎的以厘米論價的美洲鱷魚皮哦,硬硬的,有點兒粗糙,愛馬仕LV 不過如此嘛。