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折腾一下: 第二周竞拍,安帅破纪录103大洋
送交者: 折腾一下 2015年09月23日04:32:37 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话





1. 三角洲部队 安少帅 Matt Jones, Wsh RB $103 Added. JGMJ dropped Titans D/ST, Ten D/ST to Waivers.
2. Team 老白菜帮 Michael Crabtree, Oak WR $50 Added. Rose dropped Jermaine Kearse, Sea WR to Waivers.
  Team Big Horse Matt Jones, Wsh RB $33 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
  Team HappyCultivate Matt Jones, Wsh RB $30 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
3. Team Stone Devonta Freeman, Atl RB $18 Added. STON dropped Cole Beasley, Dal WR to Waivers.
4. ♦ KaiXinLang ♦ Crockett Gillmore, Bal TE $16 Added. 
  ♦ KaiXinLang ♦ Matt Jones, Wsh RB $13 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
  New Pats Matt Jones, Wsh RB $12 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
  SF TRANSFORMERS Devonta Freeman, Atl RB $12 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
  ZYJ Chance gardener Michael Crabtree, Oak WR $11 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
  ZYJ Chance gardener Devonta Freeman, Atl RB $11 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
5. ZYJ Chance gardener Travis Benjamin, Cle WR $11 Added. ZYJ dropped Rashad Jennings, NYG RB to Waivers.
6. Team 老白菜帮 Cardinals D/ST D/ST $10 Added. Rose dropped Ravens D/ST, Bal D/ST to Waivers.
7. Team HappyCultivate James Starks, GB RB $10 Added. HPCV dropped Danny Amendola, NE WR to Waivers.
  Team Big Horse Travis Benjamin, Cle WR $9 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
  Team Big Horse Crockett Gillmore, Bal TE $8 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
8. SF TRANSFORMERS Colts D/ST D/ST $7 Added. TF dropped Saints D/ST, NO D/ST to Waivers.
  Team Big Horse James Starks, GB RB $7 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
9. ♦ KaiXinLang ♦ Colin Kaepernick, SF QB $6 Added. LANG dropped Khiry Robinson, NO RB to Waivers.
  SF TRANSFORMERS James Starks, GB RB $6 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
10. New Pats Andy Dalton, Cin QB $5 Added. Pats dropped Tony Romo*, Dal QB to Waivers. Pats dropped Sam Bradford, Phi QB to Waivers.
11. ♦ KaiXinLang ♦ Heath Miller, Pit TE $0 Added. LANG dropped Andre Johnson, Ind WR to Waivers.
12. SF TRANSFORMERS Vernon Davis, SF TE $0 Added. TF dropped Percy Harvin, Buf WR to Waivers.
13. SF TRANSFORMERS Phil Dawson, SF K $0 Added. TF dropped Andrew Franks, Mia K to Waivers.
  Team HappyCultivate Travis Benjamin, Cle WR $0 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
14. Team HappyCultivate Buccaneers D/ST D/ST $0 Added. HPCV dropped Rams D/ST, StL D/ST to Waivers.

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