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送交者: 王珠珠 2005年02月25日10:05:00 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话

It's too early to tell until we see how players fit in with their new teams,
but let's give it a shot anyway.


Philly-- so long as Webber's knee holds up they become a very dangerous team.
Webber is such a great passer.

San Antonio-- They dumped Rose's deal and got a good player with a reasonable
contract in return.

Boston-- Walker is a loose cannon but at least he is healthy. They gave up
very little to get him. The deal becomes even more of a win if Payton is
released by the Hawks and resigns with Boston, a la Lindsay Hunter.
This deal makes Pierce happy.

Houston-- got two decent guards in separate deals (James and Norris) and
dumped Mo Taylor's contract.

Dallas-- Van Horn will help.

Milwaukee-- Well, they successfully dumped salary. But Reese Gaines??
Oh well.

Seattle-- probably came out ahead by doing nothing. Why disrupt a winning
combination? The key will be what to do about Ray Allen.

New Orleans-- major major salary dump: Mashburn and Baron Davis are off the
books, and they weren't going anywhere with B. Davis anyway. They become
a major player in the FA market.


Golden State-- How much $$ do they now have tied up long term in Davis and
Fisher?? What purpose do Tskitishvilli and Rodney White serve? They also
were unsuccessful in unloading Dunleavy.

Portland-- just ate 40 million in expiring contracts and got exactly zilch
in return. And they are still stuck with their malcontents (Ratliff and Miles).

Minnesota-- With all their rumors and their desperate attempts to trade
Sprewell, they couldn't get anything done.

New York-- They just took on two more big chunks of salary and in the process
traded away the only legitimate center they had. Well, at least they got two
first round picks.

Sacramento-- Unbelievable. They couldn't even get Willie friggin' Green
thrown into the Webber deal.

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