姚明: Yao Ming ahead of schedule in his comeback from foot surgery and should be full speed by training camp.
麦蒂:McGrady has wanted badly to join James with the Heat, but Miami can sign him only to the veteran’s minimum and has yet to make him an offer. The Chicago Bulls have also shown some interest in McGrady. The Clippers have had conversations with McGrady’s agent, and team officials could soon decide to watch him work out for a closer inspection.
火箭的Kyle Lowry: 四年24M。对于非首发球员是个肥约(首发过,但都是主力受伤后)。 不过这小子有冲劲,技术也不错(看上篮成功率就很明显),火箭很需要。 不过给这么多主要有另两点:1)火箭早就放话 match any offer, 同样的话也对四克拉说过,要是不兑现就显得对四克拉没诚意;2)有萝莉的比赛成绩都不错,明年一堆人包括姚明合约到期,太抠了放走 Lowry 明年后果严重--无论是战绩还是心理上。