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阿黛: 童言无忌
送交者: 阿黛 2011年01月05日06:22:34 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话

My Family

Hello. My name is Mop Dirt and I'm here to tell you about the little group of five at XXXXX Rd. My family includes me, my sister Dip Dirt, my mom, my dad, and our hamster, Hammy. Everyone is unique in their own little way and everyone’s personality is different but contributes to the flow of each day around the house. You are about to find about whether you are like or dislike the members of this household. 

                                                 Mop Dirt

I am perhaps the most interesting and the best one out of all of us. I like to play sports and video games. My favorite hobby is electronics like computers, TV, iPods, xbox 360s, Blue Ray players, surround sound systems, radios, 4G networks, and all the really expensive stuff.  

I really don't like school but I would want to go 2 weeks without school and then go back 1 week so I can see all of my friends.  

I like it when things are fast because slow things really bother me such as slow computers because I know that the computer has not reached it's full potential.  

I like water parks and theme parks because they are meant for you to just relax and have fun and that's what i do best.  

I dream of one day getting a jetpack because I want to experience human flight when I'm not sitting inside an airplane because inside an airplane, you can't play superman and jump around and fly everywhere like you can with a jetpack.  

One of my favorite things to do is watch stuff burn and explode because fire is one of the super powerful forces of nature. I like to test things that I wonder about to the limit. For example, I wonder if a tornado could pick up a brick because it would seem kind of strange to see wind lifting a brick up into the air. You usually don't see a brick floating in the air but I think that would be awesome.  

One of my secret ambitions is to become a scuba diver. I like to play in water instead of racing in it for a piece of cloth called a ribbon. I think scuba diving would be amazing because I could breathe under water and not many people have done that.  

If I don't go scuba diving, I want to be a pilot because once again, I like it when things are fast. I want to be a decillionaire so I can buy anything I want but to do that, I have to make millions every year and I can do that by becoming a professional athlete. One day when I'm rich and famous, the entire world will know me and I will have to purchase an anti theft system from ADT.  

I plan on having a private helicopter so I don't have to be stuck in traffic going to the Apple Store in mall which by the way is the best place to shop. 

Another thing I will have when I'm rich is a private chef. That will be Chef Beau from America's Worst Cooks. He's a professional cook and he is the best cook on the planet so... 

I guess I'll have to wait for technology to get better if I’m going to say any more. I wonder what Dip Dirt’s like... 

                                                   Dip Dirt

Dip Dirt may be appealing to some times and other times not really. She likes nail polish to make her nails look better but I guess that's a girl thing.  

She is a bookworm and I'm sure that within the next 2 years, she will finish the children's section at Barnes and Noble.  

She is very stubborn when she disagrees with me and by stubborn I mean she says Yes or No repeatedly till I am annoyed. She shoots faces at me when other people aren't looking.  

When she talks to adults, her voice goes up an octave like she’s trying to imitate a 6 year olds squeaky voice but it doesn't work.  

She also likes to draw pictures that look somewhat real and somewhat fake. It's kind of in between.  

She tells me to get out of her room when I'm in it but she always walks into my room.  

She likes to eat a lot and is somewhat active. She plays basketball about once a month and she doesn't really play ping pong unless one of her friends is over.  

She watches the cooking channel which is a little bit strange because she saw someone watching the cooking channel and she started to watch it too. I guess she wants to be like that person???  

I'm pretty sure she wants to be a doctor one day because good doctors make a lot of money but not as much as professional athletes... Anyways, that’s all I really know about her. 

(to be continued)

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