有些同学围观了安东尼案的判决后,认为同样是胡搅蛮缠的的桑兰起诉方胜算大增。哥持不同意见。哥当年在新东方接受再教育的时候就曾学过,美国的司法系统是default innocent,除非你有足够的证据证明我犯了罪,否则我就是无罪。宁可放过坏人1000,也绝不冤枉一个好人。
Doug Berman, a criminal law professor at Ohio State University, said popular opinion came to the conclusion the 25 year-old Miss Anthony was guilty, but that jurors must hold to a higher standard than the average citizen watching on TV.
That standard is guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
"In some sense, it's a sign that the system worked well," Prof Berman said. "The job of the system is not to turn this into a Hollywood ending, but to have all the actors in the system do the job to the best of their ability."
请注意最后一句,“...to have all the actors in the system do the job to the best of their ability.”。和着你美国的司法系统不是为了追求justice,而是all about acting,检辩双方就是两拨儿戏子,看谁能do the job to the best of their ability, justice在哪儿,who cares?