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送交者: 信阳人 2016年02月17日11:38:23 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话
Encrypted device
Federal investigators have been unable to unlock the phone belonging to the San Bernardino terror suspects, so they asked Apple for assistance. When the computer giant declined, authorities sought and received a court order requiring Apple to help the FBI access encrypted data hidden on a cellphone. Apple Inc. CEO Tim Cook said in a statement Wednesday the company will resist the order. Los Angeles Times

Apple resists government request to weaken iPhone security

A U.S. magistrate judge in California on Tuesday ordered Apple (AAPL) to help the FBI break into the iPhone of deceased San Bernardino terrorist Syed Farook. But the order prompted a strong rebuke from Apple CEO Tim Cook, who argued that meeting the FBI's request in the case would weaken the security of all iPhones everywhere. So what's really going on?

Twitter users back Apple in fight with U.S. over iPhone access

By Gina Cherelus
REUTERS - Edward Snowden and others on Twitter rallied on Wednesday in support of Apple Inc's opposition to a U.S. court order to help federal investigators by unlocking an iPhone used by one of the shooters in December's deadly attack in San Bernardino, California.
"Apple" and "San Bernardino" were trending heavily as topics on Twitter following Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook's decision to fight the order by a federal judge in Los Angeles that Apple provide "reasonable technical assistance" to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the case.
Cook on Tuesday called the order, issued that day, "a dangerous precedent," adding in a statement on Apple's website that "The implications of the government’s demands are chilling."
Cook's and Apple's response to the demand was viewed positively overall on Twitter, according to social media analytics firm Zoomph.

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