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送交者: 红山狼 2017年06月23日09:00:23 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话


Breaking News: Ma Long, Fan Zhendong, Xu Xin eliminated, fail to arrive for second round matches

23 Jun 2017

Reasons not clear at the moment but the host nation’s Ma Long did not arrive for his scheduled second round Men’s Singles match on the evening of Friday 23rd June at the Seamaster 2017 ITTF World Tour China Open in Chengdu.

He was due to play Japan’s Yuya Oshima; the match has been awarded to Yuya Oshima.
Ma Long failed to attend his second round Men's Singles match (Photo: Hideyuki Imai)

by Ian Marshall, ITTF Publications Editor

Notably the crowd consistently shouted the name of Liu Guoliang, the man who until recently was the Head Coach of the Chinese National Team and has been named Vice President.

Now the question is posed as to whether Xu Xin will be present for his match against Japan’s Tomokazu Hariomoto and will Fan Zhendong face Korea’s Kim Dongyhun later in the day.

The answer has come fast; Fan Zhendong did not present himself for the contest against the Korean. Kim Donghyun has been afforded a walk-over.

Likewise, Xu Xin followed suit. He failed to present himself for his second round match against Japan’s Tomokazu Harimoto; likewise there was no option but to award a walk-over.

Currently on Weibo it has been reported that members of the Chinese Men’s Team and coaches have posted words to the effect: “we have no desire to fight……all because we miss you Liu Guoliang!”

However this is not official, an official statement from the Chinese Table Tennis Association is awaited.

Further developments will be advised when known.

  这几个敢闹,大概也是有来头的?  /无内容 - 信阳人 06/23/17 (467)
  闹事的全部开掉! - 甫志高 06/23/17 (531)
  那个不懂球的胖子 - Mayi 06/23/17 (587)
    如此说来这新空降局长很威风,该是冲蔡振华去的了  /无内容 - 红山狼 06/23/17 (505)
      麻哥亲戚肯定是高官,这内幕都知道,流弊。  /无内容 - 马科长 06/23/17 (491)
    大汉有所不知啊,此乃明升暗降 - 马科长 06/23/17 (511)
      哈哈  /无内容 - 南天门 06/23/17 (435)
      俺看主贴下跳的最高的就是你 - nngzh 06/23/17 (512)
  肯定出问题了,要不然不会这么极端。  /无内容 - 马科长 06/23/17 (535)
    应该是上层有斗争,老麻也许知道真相  /无内容 - 红山狼 06/23/17 (513)
        nnd, 张继科最油,说是因腰伤退赛 - 马科长 06/23/17 (551)
    这个是中国运动员史上最猛烈的反抗了吧  /无内容 - Mayi 06/23/17 (443)
    手机品牌不少  /无内容 - super88 06/23/17 (515)
      您把页面搞乱了  /无内容 - 红山狼 06/23/17 (472)
    这不是假紧张假激烈假高潮,是真实的狗血剧,兵哥该关注  /无内容 - 红山狼 06/23/17 (467)
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