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送交者: bfbx 2006年06月25日06:48:32 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话

In today's Spain-Mexico match, ABC commentators mentioned that Mexico was criticized for using naturalized players in this WC. I didn't catch the names of the two "Mexican" players.

In the Germany-Sweden match, Germany's dynamic duo Klose and Podolsky managed to forced two early goals on aggresive play. These two have so far combined to contribute at least 6 goals for Germany. Anyone know these two are of Polish origin ? (I don't know if they were born in Germany). Consider how badly the Poles have performed in this tournament, I think it's worthwile to have some study on it.

We all know the French team is now made of mostly guys originally from French speaking African countries.

临时客in one of his articals mentioned that the Croatia team has some Australia born players and Australian team has some Croats.

Japan has a Brazil born midfielder who is pretty average among the Japanese players in all the departments except for his look.

The list goes on and on ...

Someone here a couple days ago was criticizing football fans being too zealous about the commercialized club level matches where players are from all over.

The point is, the ultimate international tournament like WC, where the matches are considered by many as replacement for real wars between nations, is becoming to more or less like the club level matches.

Yes, each team is still representing its own country. But for those teams half of his members are made of ex-forigners, will the win instill the same amount of pride to the citizens, or the loss the same amount of pain ?

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