1. Francisco's Centro Vasco (Spanish): 可能是NYC最价廉物美的品尝海鲜的地方. 千万不要错过它的Sangria (水果WINE). 它的龙虾绝对新鲜. 每个ORDER还有大盘的Spanish Rice, Streamed String Beans, and Patato Chips奉送. 价格便宜的你不敢想象. 上次我请朋友6个人BILL还不到$300 (including everything). 23rd St. between 6th Ave. and 7th Ave.
2. Brasserie 8 1/2 (American French): 非常好的餐馆. 它的Raw Seafood Platter不容错过. 我竟然可以在里面发现以前只有在中国才能吃到的clawfish(新鲜的淡水小龙虾). 57th St. between 5th Ave. and 6th Ave. $60+ for 2
3. Le Colonial (French Vietnamese fusion): 整个布置装潢都非常越南. 几乎所有的Appertizer都非常Tasty. 如果你点Filet Mignon会有一个惊喜. 57th St. between 3rd Ave. and Lexington Ave. $50+ for 2
4. Rose Mexicano (Mexican): 可能是最好的墨西哥餐馆. 给我印象最深的是waiter会给你现做Avocado调料用来蘸Corn Chips. 极其清新可口. 你也可以放很多辣. 有三处: Columbus Ave and 62 Street, 1st Ave and 59th Street, 18th Street between 5th Ave. and Broadway. $60+ for 2
4. Korean Palace: My favorite Korean restaurant. 公平的说位于30多街的KOREAN TOWN里的餐馆都是不错的. 但这家MIDTOWN的尤其出众. 整个餐馆几乎一尘不染. You won't go wrong with anything. 54 St. between Lexington Ave. and Park Ave. $35+ for 2
5. Californian Pizza Kitchen: They always have very innovative pizza and appertizers. The menu is consistently changing in a good way. Almost everything is tasty and makes you want to go back. 2nd Ave. and 60th St. $40+ for 2
6. Tanini (Japanese): Japanese fast food. Ordinary sushi and sashimi. But it offers 日本串烧, which you don't see often in any other Japanese restaurant. $30+ for 2
7. Fire Bird (Russian): 我一共去过两次. 它的Chicken Kiev (基辅鸡)相当有名, 吃法也相当独特. 类似于上海的小龙包, 你需要用刀轻轻地将外面裹的皮割开让里面的汤汁流尽才能动嘴, 否则后果自负. 它的鱼子酱也名副其实. 46th between 8th and 9th. $80+ for 2
9. Aquavit: One of the very few Swedish restaurants in NYC. Swedish meatball is good as advertised. The indoor waterfall is very splendid. Very pricy. 55th st. between Madison ave. and Park ave. $80+ for 2.
10. Ada (French Indian): 除了上菜速度有点慢以外,这几乎是一个完美的印度餐馆. 它将法国菜的creamy和印度菜的辛辣结合的相当完美. 58th St. between 2nd Ave. and 3rd Ave. $50+ for 2
11. Tao's: 最后, 我最中意的餐馆. 凡是看过Sex and the City都应该记得那一尊大佛. It may not be a good idea to go there for dinner. It can get very noisy and crowded in addition to its hefty price. However, the lunch special is something I just cannot resist. The juicy sorloin paird with Chinese Fried Wonton stuffed with Brownie as appertizer is almost unbeatable, not mentioning the dessert. That only costs about $24+tip+tax per person. 58th St. between Park Ave. and Madison Ave.