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送交者: gsmg 2006年12月17日16:55:57 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话


先声明一下:从头到尾我有没有说过要命不“tough"? 注意我的原话是:”同样是一个超级巨星带领一帮Average的家伙打球,那个叫KB24的更tough“。。我并没有否认要命"tough"对不对。有人说要命第四节压哨球就是”tough"的表现,当然如此,我双手赞成。好了有了这点共识我们再来谈

注意tough在体育竞赛中不光指身体的东西,更多的是指的是精神上的东西,如我们常见的词有“metal toughness"。举个例子,当小牛的球员被问道谁是队中”toughest"的球员是,大家的一致回答是“Jerry stackhouse" Stackhouse is not the strongest guy in mavs, why is he the toughest one? 因为他打球的胆气和方式。如果把tough用在球星或球队头上,这应该指the ability to play well under pressure.

昨天的胡人是KB的一人球队,昨天的火箭是要命的一人球队。大家作为球队的灵魂人物,很明显,KB在OTs做得要比要命好。胡人从落后21分到追平到OT到取胜,KB has shown us his leadership, his big time play, and why he is one of the toughest player in the league.而要明作为火箭的灵魂人物,在关键时刻没有顶住胡人的反攻,难道不是要命需要提高的地方吗?这就是:toughness-作为核心在关键时候自身的抗压力和对对友的领导力。所以我说KB24要更tough,这个有不妥吗?

大家爱护要命的心情我可以理解。找出的理由也是reasonable的,比如背靠被,上场时间过长等等。但作为职业球队或职业球员,sometimes you have to beat a team or a rival no matter what happened。比如昨天二战胡人的火箭就属于这种情况。看马刺打小牛,木木每次是什么样的表现?Do everything he can to BEAT mavs even though he is not 100%,So does the Spurs. 这是我对一个球队或球员特别是核心球员"toughness"的理解。I don't care how bad or how good JVG's coaching is, how badly he wasted yao or other rol player's energy.. what I know is going through hard battles and win is a must for a championship. The lacks of the hard battle win experience are the big problems for the Rockets right now.

If you are a true NBA fan, you should appreciate KB24's games. 他的才华,想象力,取胜欲望令人匪夷所思。你可以不喜欢他,but if you are a basketball, you should like his game. This is what I think about KB24. I really hate TD everytime when Mavs and Spurs match up with each other. But actually I am his big fan off the mavs court.

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