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送交者: ztyixia 2008年06月24日11:37:34 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话
因为一般的联盟讨论时间今年在奥运会,故提前拿出来讨论 俺今年可以做Moderator为大家服务。 --------------------------- 建议用官方网站 看了NFL COM的简单Free联盟, 应该比Yahoo更适合 http://football.nfl.com/splash/football/nfl/single/rules 与亚胡相比, 有这些特点 1)Real Time Scoring (不用再花钱买) 2)一定要12个队,多少都不行。建议选秀时间是8/23/08 晚10EST 选秀顺序由NFL系统随机产生 3)每队选14人,上9人, 1Q+ 2R+3W+1T+1K+1DST 4)总裁权力很小 5)季后赛,把12队分成3个区(总裁分),打14轮 H2H (本区2场)季后赛进4,分区冠军+1个外卡 6)计分是固定的,防守的码数也算 Offensive Statistic QB, WR, RB, TE, K Passing, Rushing or Receiving Touchdown (PaTD, RuTD,ReTD) 6 points Passing Yards(PaYD) 1 point for every 25 yards Rushing Yards(RuYD) 1 point for every 10 yards Receiving Yards(ReYD) 1 point for every 10 yards 2 point conversion(Pa2P, Ru2P, Re2P) 2 points Passing Interception(PaInt) -2 points Fumble Lost, including ST plays (FL) -2 points Field Goal(FG) 0-49 yards = 3 points 50+ yards = 5 points Extra Point(XP) 1 point Offensive Fumble Recovery Touchdown(OFRTD) 6 points Defensive Statistic Defense Total Defensive/ Special Teams Touchdown (DTD 6 points Safety(STY) 2 points Interception(Int) 2 points Defensive/ST Fumble Recovered (DFR) 2 points Sack(SACK) 1 point Points Against, Total Points Scored (PA) 0-6 = 8 points 7-13 = 6 points 14-20 = 4 points 21-27 = 2 points 28+ = 0 points Yards Allowed(YDS) 0-49 = 12 points 50-99 = 10 points 100-149 = 8 points 150-199 = 6 points 200-249 = 4 points 250-299 = 2 points 300+ = 0 points 7)FA和Waiver FA,每周日东部1点开始就没有FA,不用抢人,等周2深夜/周3凌晨的Waiver开始。如果有周4/周6的比赛,只是那场比赛的队员在开打后不能抓来。 Waiver每周开始时按最差成绩到最佳成绩的顺序, 但在一周内如果Claim了就跑到最后。 球员何时能上FA名单: Free Agent while NFL games are in progress Midnight Tuesday/Wednesday to 6:00 AM ET Wednesday morning. Waivers will never run on days NFL games are played. You can request players while games are in progress, but the first waivers run of the week will always be Tuesday night/Wednesday morning, so Wednesday is the earliest day you'd be awarded a player in any week. Released during a waiver process The next waiver process (usually 24 hours later, but see Waiver Schedule). Ex.: Owner requests Player A on waivers and drops Player B. During waiver process, owner is awarded Player A, and Player B is placed on waivers until the next waiver process. Released during Free Agent Add/Drop The second waiver process after the Add/Drop. Ex.: Owner drops a player Tuesday afternoon. The player dropped is on waivers until the waiver process that runs between midnight Wednesday/Thursday and 6:00 AM ET Thursday.
  如果我们队友大部分都还要玩,我就跟着大伙儿起哄吧  /无内容 - 快乐园丁 06/24/08 (75)
    豆腐队的大旗不能倒在我们手里。  /无内容 - icecold 06/24/08 (49)
    one word: SUAN!  /无内容 - ZheBao 06/24/08 (92)
      友情翻译:“一个字:酸!”  /无内容 - 红山狼 06/24/08 (89)
        连志玲姐都没有,还有啥好酸的?  /无内容 - icecold 06/25/08 (78)
    :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD - kk03 06/24/08 (84)
    穷凶极恶一词用得太好了  /无内容 - 重庆崽儿 06/24/08 (47)
  I will participate to make it 12. Otherwise I will skip  /无内容 - CyberCat 06/24/08 (80)
    先谢谢  /无内容 - ztyixia 06/24/08 (51)
  如果还玩,我想请冰哥儿当元帅。嘿嘿。  /无内容 - 袈裟道人 06/24/08 (59)
    我建议麻婆豆腐阿丁挂帅,麻子肯定第一个来降。  /无内容 - icecold 06/24/08 (53)
    我的理解是常规赛分三个区,季后赛打淘汰赛。  /无内容 - 袈裟道人 06/24/08 (42)
  先打听一下: 啥是FNFL?  /无内容 - 阿黛 06/24/08 (130)
    你不是豆腐队的么? - 袈裟道人 06/24/08 (74)
        看到FNFL 就想到 Female XXX - 机会园丁 06/24/08 (76)
          我慢,没明白你说的这典故  /无内容 - 阿黛 06/24/08 (51)
        当然了,NBA不是刚结束么。呵呵。  /无内容 - 袈裟道人 06/24/08 (58)
    呵呵,去年你不就和假老道,小兵,园丁等一起养小白菜?  /无内容 - ztyixia 06/24/08 (52)
      哦哦哦,就那个啊,都一年了,哪那么好记性啊  /无内容 - 阿黛 06/24/08 (41)
    OOPS!  /无内容 - 开心 06/24/08 (110)
      别啊,打击人嘛. - 阿黛 06/24/08 (111)
        不是地!我是觉的你可能和我一样在犯困呢  /无内容 - 开心 06/24/08 (102)
          你这么说就更打击我了,你那是犯困,我这儿,倍儿清醒呢 - 阿黛 06/24/08 (100)
            好啊,到时候你排阵如何?  /无内容 - 袈裟道人 06/24/08 (96)
              没问题. - 阿黛 06/24/08 (114)
                好像阿珂和借光要拉你们入伙呢。 - 袈裟道人 06/24/08 (83)
                  女子足球队? 听着很勇猛:) - 阿黛 06/24/08 (82)
        回答正确,加十分!  /无内容 - 袜贩 06/24/08 (50)
          我就说嘛,看着眼熟得很  /无内容 - 阿黛 06/24/08 (43)
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