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【分享】 超级搞笑短文:中国还要向谁学?
送交者: 信阳人 2009年04月07日06:10:02 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话
Who is China learning from now? 这个短文太逗乐了,我一定要跟你们分享! URL: http://washingtonbureau.typepad.com/china/2009/04/who-is-china-learning-from-now.html 《 Who is China learning from now? 》 Posted by Tim Johnson (From McClatchy:) Wed Apr 1, 6:21 am ET ——"China Rises" blog is written by Tim Johnson, the Beijing bureau chief for McClatchy Newspapers. He covers both China and Taiwan.—— Here’s a little ditty making the rounds about China’s evolution over the decades: Mao Zedong and the first-generation leaders decided to learn from the Soviet Union – and the Soviet Union collapsed. Deng Xiaoping and the second-generation leaders decided to learn from Japan (East Asia miracle) – and Japan has been in stagnation. Jiang Zemin and the third-generation leaders decided to learn from the United States (market economy) – and the United States is virtually bankrupt. Hu Jintao and the fourth-generation leaders decided to learn from ... who's next? 短文后面的读者评论也有几条很有趣: Quote from Al-Quran, "To seek knowledge, go to China". Posted by: Janman | April 01, 2009 at 01:17 PM ———————————————————————————— Seems that it does be a ditty. Well, this means China is moderate in its heart, the culture of China has always been inclusive and absorptive, it learns but not a slave. Posted by: posters@Anti-CNN | April 05, 2009 at 05:00 PM ———————————————————————————— learn form india next. Posted by: aaa | April 06, 2009 at 07:18 AM ———————————————————————————— Haha, that's wishful thinking. China leaves US president free because China doesn't want to pick a row with US (not quite strong enough to do that yet). As for France, it is a better whipping boy because one can get the message across the world without really damaging China's interests. Chinese say, "you have to squeeze the soft parsimon", haha. So, it's just realpolitiking. US is more regarded as this annoying ass of a rival more than anything else. Posted by: HJG | April 06, 2009 at 10:19 AM
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