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送交者: 浦云樵翁 2012年03月17日11:18:26 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话


Just hoping this email reaches you well, I'm sorry for this emergency and for not informing you about my urgent trip to  Madrid - Spain but I just have to let you know my present predicament. Everything was fine until I was attacked on my way back to the hotel, I wasn't hurt but I lost my money, bank cards, mobile phone and my bag in the course of this attack. I  immediately contacted my bank in order to block my cards and also made a report at the nearest police station. I've been to the embassy and they are helping me with my documentation so i can fly out but I'm urgently in need of some money to pay  for my hotel bills and my flight ticket home, will definitely REFUND as soon as back home .

Kindly let me know if you would be able to help me out so I can forward you the details required for a wire transfer.

waiting to hear back from you..

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