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钱多人傻: 湖人的处境及一些思考
送交者: 钱多人傻 2012年12月11日22:59:24 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话


1. 决策人小巴士不堪大用。今天魔术师被采访说到,以前老巴士全权交给west,west拿过来给巴士看,需要如何,篮球的决定在west。west是篮球专家,要让经理人去经营,不要自己不懂瞎掺和。魔术师说,要让米吃做经理人,做篮球方面的决定。这是暗指,米吃被困住手脚,小巴士当家,瞎指挥。外行指挥内行。





--没有雇佣brian shaw,不光是没有考虑shaw,还burned bridge。作为湖人,shaw是理想的接班人,至少是1-3年,shaw熟悉禅师的理念,有管理队员的经验,尤其是kobe这样的明星球员。kobe也支持shaw。同时,湖人是一个老队伍,还是应该延续,同时改进禅师的三角进攻。布朗的hire绝对是败笔。

--清洗了禅师的assitant coaches。何必那,至于嘛



--fire布朗,在禅师的事情上,独断专行。小巴士和禅师不和。如果一个明白的老板,会为生意。不是赌气。应该看如何能把湖人带入冠军,谁是最合适的。禅师比希特勒适合。希特勒没有戒指,他的成功,很多事在合适的时间有合适的人,比如票发哥。看看他在纽约,就知道他没有能力掌控明星球员。他那套run/gun,less than 7s的进攻不是什么法宝。

宗旨,如果决策人做的决定事错误的,一将无能,累死千军万马。看看一个无能的布什把国家搞成什么样子。小巴士不堪大用,没有领袖的气概,气度,智慧。我看好巴士的女儿。可惜了。不过,自古江山都是风水轮流转,总不能湖人总旺,该败家了。湖人朝laughing stock发展。科比一退休,基本玩完。

2. 没有解决athletics的人员问题。人员青黄不接的问题。前年,去年,湖人的问题的老了,不athletics。需要年轻的athletics wing defender,屁股。这个问题一直没有解决,我不看好票发哥,39了,没有解决湖人的问题,没有人防联盟的小前,屁股。需要ariza那样的,有个ebank,结果基本没有develop。

3. locker room 缺乏leadership,冠军veterans.。清理掉喇嘛,fish不合适。喇嘛可能还说得过去,fish对湖人有功,更重要的是locker room,fish是glue,leadership。看看现在的locker room,没有化学,没有leadership,没有veterans,没有championship tested veterans. 

4. 希特勒是错误的hire。希特勒的系统成功很大程度是票发哥,同时有一票run/gun的合适人员。不能轻易复制。湖人是个老年对,应该用禅师。噶骚基本给废了,本来噶骚应该中锋,去年开始一直在发球圈子外18/20中投。这是用人不对,布朗猪头,我看希特勒也没有用好噶骚。为什么?希特勒的系统不需要中锋。一帮字3分雨。

5.没有identity。湖人以前在禅师是有identity的。三角,中锋,inside out。half court。布朗是没有进攻体系,好歹防守还好些。希特勒是进攻也没有了,防守基本全无。

6. 没有防守体系。这几场比赛,一个quarter湖人给30-40分,基本对方都是50%左右的成功率,防守基本是easy layup。队员没有交流,没有协防。

7. 队员没有role。一个冠军的队伍要有role,每个人该知道自己role,做好自己的事情。现在队员没有role,因为教练没有体系,没有指导,kobe没有leadership,没有fish这样的veterans,基本是一锅粥。越输球,kobe越hero ball,恶性循环。没有rotation,不知掉role,mess。

8. 没有pride。现在看来队员没有spirit,没有pride,破罐子破摔了。

Overall, the owner is incompetent.  Jim buss isn't cut for the owner role.  His lack of basketball experience and business savvy is killing this once gloried franchise.  His personal vendetta is destroying the business his father built.

The GM can't do his job properly with appropriate decision power.  His hands are tied. 

Kobe, as the leader, is lack of leadership in the locker room.  His stubbornness is killing his 6 rings hope without his even noticing it.  At this point of the career, playing 40 minutes a night and jacking up 25+ shots isn't the way to get to the final.  He needs to understand to get other people involved and take over when the game is on the line. 

Lack of athletism on the roaster is a major deficiency.  The league has gone younger, faster, quicker, more athletics.  The lakers clearly are two steps behind.  Every team exploits this hole in the match-up.  Without addressing this issue, it is hard to see how lakers can move further after regular season.

Lack of team identity.  Phil should have been put in the head coach position.  He is still basketball mastermind.  Especially he knows how to manage the super star, like kobe.  MB and MD both are ok coach in the league.   The good coach understand the strength/weakness of the roaster, and maximizes the potential.  Popovich is an example, he has good understanding of the personel and develops a system to put people in.

Lack of urgency and pride.  The team is spiritless now.  They are deflated.  They are hiding their chins.  They look lost and confused.  It is not tactical at this point.  It is psychological.  The problem is in their head.

I predict the lakers will collapse.  It might not make to the post-season at this point.  Anyone who believes Nash will cure it all is illusional.  Nash is 39 years old, he might make the offense more fluent.  But he can't fix the defense.  He can't the chemistry.  He can't turn this ship around alone.

Well, lakers had its time.  We will further witness the fall of this franchise.  It is inevitable.  The doom day is coming for the lakers fan.  Like it or not, it is happening.  All being said, this is still fixable possibly.  But it will require the changes from top to bottom.

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