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送交者: 金苹果银苹果 2014年04月10日09:45:40 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话


3:00-3:05 p.m. Opening Ceremonies with the Kentucky Air National Guard Special Tactics Squadron Parachute Jumpers.

3:05-3:09 p.m. Canadian Hawks CT-155: Each of the two planes is a British single-engine and a two-seat advanced weapons trainer and versions designed for the Royal Canadian Air Force. 

3:09-3:21 p.m. Billy Werth Pitts S2C: Werth flies corkscrews, spins and tumbles in a Pitts bi-plane that sports a red-white-and-blue design with stars on the wings and has a top speed of 212 mph.

3:21-3:33 p.m. Jay "Flash" Gordon, L39 Albatros: The Albatros is a Czechoslovakian-built ex-Russian Air Force aircraft built in 1983 and restored and painted in colors of the Royal Thai Air Force. 

3:33-3:38 p.m. Clear airspace for the Blue Angels.

3:38-4:38 p.m. The Blue Angels: The U.S. Navy's flight demonstration squadron returns to the air show after federal government budget issues prevented them from flying in 2013.

4:38-4:58 p.m. The Lima Lima Flight Team: The team flies sophisticated formations in six early A model T-34 Mentor aircrafts that were used by the U.S. Navy and Air Force for primary training in the 1940s. 

4:58-5:10 p.m. Matt Younkin, Twin Beech 18: This plane, built in 1943 by the Beechcraft Corporation and designated an AT-7C, was first used by the United States Army Air Corps.

5:10-5:25 p.m. Trojan Horsemen T-28: The team flies six T-28 aircraft, also called the Trojan, which has a frameless canopy and a Wright R-1300 engine. 

5:25-5:40 p.m. AceMaker T-33: The T-33 Lockheed Shooting Star was America's first operational jet fighter and trainer with a routine featuring vertical rolls.

5:40-5:52 p.m. Team AeroDynamix RV Custom: This team flies 11 RV-Series custom-built aircraft with fixed wings that can attain speeds in excess of 230 mph. Each plane has its own paint scheme.

5:52-6:04 p.m. Lee Leet, A-29 Super Tucano: Leet flies this two-seat turboprop basic trainer used by the Royal Air Force, and aircraft often used for training fast-jet pilots in all aspects of military flying. 

6:04-6:16 p.m. Billy Werth Pitts S2C: See above description (3:09-3:21 p.m.).

6:16-6:26 p.m. Red Star Yak-52: The Red Star team flies its formation aerobatics display with seven Yakovlev or Yak-52s, which were designed in the USSR, manufactured in Romania and used as a primary trainer by both. The team is made up of former military pilots now living in Louisville with many working for UPS. 

6:26-6:38 p.m. John Klatt MXS: Klat maneuvers his MX2, a carbon fiber, two-seat tandem sport aircraft, through a series of aerobatics. 

6:38-6:58 p.m. Air Force F-22 Raptor Demonstration Team: The crew flies the Air Force's newest fighter aircraft made its last Thunder performance in 2012. 

6:58-7:08 p.m. Air Force Heritage Flight Program: Featuring the F-22 Raptor, the P-47 Thunderbolt and the P-51 Mustang aircraft, the performance combines state-of-the-art fighter aircraft in close formation with vintage fighter aircraft.

7:08-7:18 p.m. UPS 767: United Parcel Service Inc. showcases its flagship Boeing 767, which in regular use can carry up to 24 package containers weighing a maximum of 132,000 pounds. 

7:18-7:28 p.m. Nick Coleman Christen Eagle: Lt. Col. Nick Coleman of the Kentucky Air National Guard flies.

7:28-7:38 p.m. Cliff Robinson, PT-17: Robinson, of Madison, Ind., owns this modified Stearman PT17 bi-plane, which is one of the kind manufactured in the 1930s and '40s. 

7:38-7:50 p.m. Trojan Horsemen T-28: See description above (5:10-5:25 p.m.).

7:50-8:05 p.m. AceMaker T-33: See description above (5:25-5:40 p.m.).

8:05-8:30 p.m. The barges for the fireworks show move into position.

8:30-8:42 p.m. Team AeroDynamix RV Custom: See description above (5:40-5:52 p.m.).

8:42-8:54 p.m. Lima Lima T-34: See description above (4:38-4:58 p.m.).

8:54-9:06 p.m. Matt Younkin Twin Beech 18: See description above (4:58-5:10 p.m.).

9:06-9:14 p.m. The flying of the American flags.

9:14-9:28 p.m. Bill Leff T-34: Left flies his "Texan," one of the most widely used advanced trainers for U.S. Army Air Forces pilots during WW II and the Korean Conflict, for his Starfire Night Skyshow. It features special computer-controlled lighting and firework effects on the plane.

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