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送交者: Mayi 2014年04月10日20:38:26 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话

PERTH, Australia (AP) — An air and sea hunt for the missing Malaysian jet resumed Friday in the same swath of the southern Indian Ocean where an underwater sensor made the fifth detection of a signal in recent days, raising hopes that searchers are closing in on what could be a flight recorder.

An Australian air force P-3 Orion, which has been dropping sonar buoys into the water near where four sounds were heard earlier,s picked up a "possible signal" on Thursday that may be from a man-made source, said Angus Houston, who is coordinating the search for Flight 370 off Australia's west coast.

The latest acoustic data would be analyzed, he said. If confirmed, the signal would further narrow the hunt for the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777, which vanished March 8 while flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 people aboard.

The Australian ship Ocean Shield, which is towing a U.S. Navy device to detect signal beacons from a plane's flight data and cockpit voice recorders, picked up two underwater sounds Tuesday. Two sounds it detected Saturday were determined to be consistent with the pings emitted from the flight recorders, or "black boxes."

The searchers are trying to pinpoint the location of the source of the underwater signals so they can send down a robotic submersible to look for wreckage and the flight recorders from the Malaysian jet.


PERTH, Australia (AP) — Australia's prime minister says searchers hunting for the missing Malaysian jetliner are confident underwater signals that have been picked up are coming from the jet's black box.

Tony Abbott told reporters while on an official visit to China that Australian authorities are confident they know the location of the black box from the plane that disappeared without a trace on March 8 during a flight from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to Beijing.

The plane's black boxes, or flight data and cockpit voice recorders, could help solve the mystery of why Flight 370 veered so far off course.


Australian media is reporting that something was found in search for the missing Malaysia Airlines jet. This has not been confirmed, however, Australian officials are reportedly holding a news conference at 11:45 pm ET. 可能是阿博特要在中国发表。

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