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送交者: 迷思 2014年07月20日19:10:15 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話


Avoiding Foreclosure
The Obama Administration has implemented a number of programs to assist homeowners who are at risk of foreclosure and otherwise struggling with their monthly mortgage payments. The majority of these programs are administered through the U.S. Treasury Department and HUD. This page provides a summary of these various programs. Please continue reading in order to determine which program can best assist you.

Distressed homeowners are encouraged to contact their lenders and loan servicers directly to inquire about foreclosure prevention options that are available. If you are experiencing difficulty communicating with your mortgage lender or servicer about your need for mortgage relief,INVESTIGROUP (WWW.INVESTGROUP.COM) can help contact lenders and servicers on your behalf.

Making Home Affordable

The Making Home Affordable c (MHA) Program is a critical part of the Obama Administration’s broad strategy to help homeowners avoid foreclosure, stabilize the country’s housing market, and improve the nation’s economy.

Homeowners can lower their monthly mortgage payments and get into more stable loans at today’s low rates. And for those homeowners for whom homeownership is no longer affordable or desirable, the program can provide a way out which avoids foreclosure. Additionally, in an effort to be responsive to the needs of today’s homeowners, there are also options for unemployed homeowners and homeowners who owe more than their homes are worth. Please read the following program summaries to determine which program options may be best suited for your particular circumstances.

Modify or Refinance Your Loan for Lower Payments

Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP): HAMP lowers your monthly mortgage payment to 31 percent of your verified monthly gross (pre-tax) income to make your payments more affordable. The typical HAMP modification results in a 40 percent drop in a monthly mortgage payment. Eighteen percent of HAMP homeowners reduce their payments by $1,000 or more.

Principal Reduction Alternative (PRA): PRA was designed to help homeowners whose homes are worth significantly less than they owe by encouraging servicers and investors to reduce the amount you owe on your home.

Second Lien Modification Program (2MP): If your first mortgage was permanently modified under HAMP SM and you have a second mortgage on the same property, you may be eligible for a modification or principal reduction on your second mortgage under 2MP. Likewise, If you have a home equity loan, HELOC, or some other second lien that is making it difficult for you to keep up with your mortgage payments, learn more about this MHA program.

Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP): If you are current on your mortgage and have been unable to obtain a traditional refinance because the value of your home has declined, you may be eligible to refinance through HARP. HARP is designed to help you refinance into a new affordable.

Assistance for Unemployed Homeowners

Home Affordable Unemployment Program (UP): If you are having a tough time making your mortgage payments because you are unemployed, you may be eligible for UP. UP provides a temporary reduction or suspension of mortgage payments for at least twelve months while you seek re-employment.
FHA Forbearance for Unemployed Homeowners: Federal Housing Administration (FHA) requirements now require servicers to extend the forbearance period for unemployed homeowners to 12 months. The changes to FHA’s Special Forbearance Program announced in July 2011 require servicers to extend the forbearance period for FHA borrowers who qualify for the program from four months to 12 months and remove upfront hurdles to make it easier for unemployed borrowers to qualify.
Managed Exit for Borrowers

Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives (HAFA): If your mortgage payment is unaffordable and you are interested in transitioning to more affordable housing, you may be eligible for a short sale or deed-in-lieu of foreclosure through HAFA SM
“Redemption”is a period after your home has already been sold at a foreclosure sale when you can still reclaim your home. You will need to pay the outstanding mortgage balance and all costs incurred during the foreclosure process.
FHA-Insured Mortgages

The Federal Housing Administration (FHA), which is a part of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), is working aggressively to halt and reverse the losses represented by foreclosure. Through its National Servicing Center (NSC), FHA offers a number of various loss mitigation programs and informational resources to assist FHA-insured homeowners and home equity conversion mortgage (HECM) borrowersfacing financial hardship or unemployment and whose mortgage is either in default or at risk of default.



William is available to help answer your questions and assist you to better understand your options as an FHA borrower under these loss mitigation programs


柯武順(Owusu A. Kizito)著(房屋諮詢專家/博士候選人)

「房貸可負擔計劃」(Making Home Affordable Program, MHA)是歐巴馬政府協助擁屋者避免法拍、穩定全國房屋市場及促進全國經濟的整體策略中重要的一環。
「房貸可負擔貸款調整計劃」(Home Affordable Modification Program, HAMP)可以調低月付款額到(稅前)月毛收入的31%以使您的供款可負擔。典型的擁屋調整可以降少40%的月供款額,參與該計劃的擁屋者有18%其月供款額減少1000元或更多。
「本金減免選項」(Principle Reduction Alternative, PRA)是為幫助那些擁屋者其房屋價值顯著少於其貸款額,鼓勵投資者調低其房屋的欠款。
「二次貸款調整計劃」(Second Lien Modification Program, 2MP):如果你的第一個貸款已經由HAMP降低供款額但你在同一個房產上還有第二個貸款,您可能可以透過2MP來降低貸款或本金。同樣的,如果您有住宅權益貸款、住宅權益信用額度(HELOC)或其他二次資款,使您有供款的困難,就應該多了解MHA計劃的內容。
「房貸可負擔重新貸款計劃」(Home Affordable Refinance Program, HARP):如果您供款都準時,但是因為房屋的價值下跌而無法取得傳統的二次貸款,您可能可以透過HARP重新貸款。HARP是為讓您可以重新貸到一個更可負擔更穩定的貸款。
在今天的房屋市場,許多擁屋者的房屋價值都下跌到不及貸款額,這些貸款就是所謂的「溺水屋貸款」。「房貸可負擔重新貸款計劃」(HARP): 如果您供款都準時,但是因為房屋的價值下跌而無法取得傳統的二次貸款,您可能可以透過HARP重新貸款。HARP是為讓您可以重新貸到一個更可負擔更穩定的貸款。其他可以幫助您的計劃包括本金減免選項(Principle Reduction Alternative, PRA)、財政部/聯邦住房管理局二次貸款計劃(Second Lien Program, FHA2LP)、失業者擁屋協助
(Assistance for Unemployed Homeowners, UP)及聯邦住房管理局失業者擁屋寬限計劃(Forbearance for Unemployed Homeowners)。

柯武順(Owusu Kizito)先生是一位有多年經驗、行動積極、重視結果的專業人士,他有超過15年在諮商、銀行、財務分析、計劃管理和過程改良的經驗。同時他在決策及解決問題的考量上,亦有分析專業的廣泛背景。柯武順先生有優良紀錄,可以對困難的計劃提供成功解決方案並監督其執行,因此在建立及維持良好的客戶關係有著卓著的成績。
柯武順先生是Investigroup Companies的總裁兼行政主管。他以其在銀行及貸款界的豐富關係及對法拍屋的廣泛知識,成功幫助許多有困難的擁屋者保有其房屋。除了是房屋諮詢專家,他也是稅務專家,可以幫助納稅人減輕稅務負擔及正確報稅。柯武順先生有夏威夷太平洋大學MBA學位及哈佛大學研究所法律證書。柯武順先生目前正在為其博士學位研究法拍屋對屋主及其家庭的健康影響。

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