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Top ten countries by GDP from 1935 to 2015
送交者: jingchen 2023年08月09日07:56:49 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话

Top ten countries by GDP from 1935 to 2015


The list is generated by ChatGPT. Note that there is little change in the membership over eighty years. Soviet Union is out. Brazil is in. That’s it.


The lack of change in GDP ranking doesn’t mean the lack of change in the world. Population wise, the share of the western world is shrinking very fast and the share of African and Muslim world is increasing rapidly. Population is far more important than GDP in the long run.


In 1945, China was ranked no 4. Then it dropped out of the list until 1975, when it was no 10. It was a surprise that China was still no 10 in 1985. From 1975 to 1985, China seemed to undergo greatest change. In 2015, China was ranked no 2.





1. United States

2. United Kingdom

3. Germany

4. France

5. Soviet Union

6. Italy

7. Japan

8. China

9. Canada

10. India (Estimated)



1. United States

2. Soviet Union

3. United Kingdom

4. China

5. Germany

6. Japan

7. France

8. India (Estimated)

9. Canada

10. Italy



1. United States

2. Soviet Union

3. United Kingdom

4. West Germany

5. France

6. Japan

7. Italy

8. Canada

9. India

10. Brazil



1. United States

2. Soviet Union

3. West Germany

4. United Kingdom

5. France

6. Japan

7. Italy

8. Canada

9. Brazil

10. India



1. United States

2. Soviet Union

3. Japan

4. West Germany

5. France

6. United Kingdom

7. Italy

8. Canada

9. Brazil

10. China



1. United States

2. Soviet Union

3. Japan

4. West Germany

5. France

6. United Kingdom

7. Italy

8. Canada

9. Brazil

10. China



1. United States

2. Japan

3. Germany

4. France

5. United Kingdom

6. Italy

7. China

8. Canada

9. Brazil

10. Spain



1. United States

2. Japan

3. China

4. Germany

5. United Kingdom

6. France

7. Italy

8. Spain

9. Canada

10. Brazil



1. United States

2. China

3. Japan

4. Germany

5. United Kingdom

6. France

7. India

8. Italy

9. Brazil

10. Canada





1. United States

2. Soviet Union

3. United Kingdom

4. China

5. Germany

6. Japan

7. France

8. India (Estimated)

9. Canada

10. Italy


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