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Before you become a priority clients,
送交者: ItsScheme 2008月06月20日10:48:48 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: uncertainty is the value, but in this casefishman2 于 2008-06-20 09:26:01
you will never know something like this.

there is a grey time for brokers. For example, if at 3:55, bce traded around 35, then a lot 35 call and put holders will give instruction for not exercise the rights. then these options rights belong to their brokers. the brokers can exercise these rights should after market move big one way or another. It is illegal, but sometime some brokers did. Brokers can elect this into their error accounts. SEC can do nothing about it, especially TSX (TSX #$%^&*! are very corrupt. Canadian companies' criminal actions are hardly prosecuted in canada). If brokers expect at least 2 points move, then by close at money options will be priced at some discount of $2. You can be assured by the close, the buyers of options will have the privilege of this grey time.
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