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Sound like that you are
送交者: 水滴~ 2008月09月22日10:47:03 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Aren't riches lost enough6degrees 于 2008-09-22 10:31:44
one of the rich! hehe..

I know a rich guy who complains that his account (a hedge fund account) is down 30% this year. But he can't recall in the past a few days that since 1998, his acount achieved 27% annual growth. You can do some math to calculate it. If you invested 1M in 1998, by the end of 2007, how much your account was worth? At this point, how much his account is worth?
  I am poor guy. - 6degrees 09/22/08 (155)
    riches=财富;the rich=富人  /无内容 - 枯木朽株 09/22/08 (129)
  去掉税及通胀就没多少了。 - 枯木朽株 09/22/08 (154)
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