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I doubt we've seen
送交者: egghead1 2008月10月21日12:06:07 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 虽然无法相信,但本次经济衰退的大底是不是6degrees 于 2008-10-21 11:30:00
the bottom. The bear market is not even a year old. Given the magnitude of the mess we are in, this bear market should last longer than average. so give it one or two more years. Also, the market is merely fair valued at best at current levels. Bear markets usually overshoot by a lot.

Of course, I hope you are right that the bottom is in so that everybody can suffer less. But I am afraid that is not the case.
  I doubt it myself. - 6degrees 10/21/08 (148)
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