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I wish I know you long time ag
送交者: k19 2008月10月25日18:59:56 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: I trade both.小寒* 于 2008-10-25 18:26:01
ago. Hehehe.

I shorted leh. Have few hundred direct short and 10 contracts on $15 strikes. Bought it when Leh was above 30 or 28. It was one one of my small positions.

I just bookmarked your blog. Hehehe good stuff. Please post more what is going on over there.

Sorry, I was kind of pissed off. I pissed off when I read that people don't know about what is really going on in the politics.

I used to spend 4 to 8 hours following the politics. From 01 to 06. In 06 I am so mad and know we are heading for big hurt and it is too late. So I decided to make money so that I can cushion my family from the big fall. That is when I started to invest. Started in june of 2006 with 15k. Totally newbie. Don't know nothing and 100% long on gold. In march I shorted my first stock KBH. in June 07 I moved my money to net short and started to trade fulltime.

It pays to know what is going on. It pays to know the politics. I saw the house will fail on the first vote of that 700b bail out bill. Politics is really pissing me off. Dems and Reps are destroying this country. Saddly most people just not paying attention. hehehe. I am sorry that I show a little to much anger there.
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