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Here is a few numbers
送交者: k19 2008月10月25日22:13:09 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 九月份房市还不错,但这次股市暴跌恐怕要影响房市枯木朽株 于 2008-10-25 19:52:22
Some numbers fro california

Sept 07 only 12% around 12455 salese were foreclosure related. there are 10885 organic sales. And the jumbo loan were pulled in sept last year because of the credit cruch. Then can't get a jumbo loan last sept.

Sept 08 50% were foreclosure related. that means only 10249 were organic sells. so the real sales number is doen not up.

And price fell 7.6% in a single month is horrible.

Don't you know that the write downs? It wrote down on the price level that was higher. If we drop 7.6% in one month. The books for the banks are much worse than last month. I am pretty sure they are going to cover it up and not going to tell you. Level 3, marked to nobody knows what.
  Thanks for the information. - 枯木朽株 10/25/08 (152)
  Remember pumpers will never - k19 10/25/08 (187)
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