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I don't know about long term.
送交者: 小寒* 2008月10月27日11:11:47 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: At this early stage?6degrees 于 2008-10-27 10:44:04
But if I don't risk a snall amount to feel the flow, I won't know when the long term starts. The long term certainly doesn't look bright right now with all the hedge fund money running out of the door.

There are forces from all directions putting pressures on the market, one the the forces being short sellers. Short sellers have been profitable recently. In a very abstract and macro view, I look at the market as an ocean surface with big waves. The sea floor sunk and the sea level is lower right now, eventually every wave will have to contribute. Just like you once said, no one(I mean waves, not individuals, there will always be lucky individuals) can skip.

I will report back to you. :-)
  基于俺在小Q同学下面的跟贴, - 6degrees 10/27/08 (220)
    今年闭眼不想大底的可能性。  /无内容 - 6degrees 10/27/08 (135)
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