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I had a nasty verbal fight
送交者: 水滴~ 2008月10月31日21:55:14 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: hao hao hao!ItsScheme 於 2008-10-31 21:39:10
with the BIL. Very different value belief system and moral codes..sighs.

My point is that when capitalism advanced to the stage of "create paper money out of nothing", capital is corrupted. The so called invisible hand can't inspire human being's creative to increase "productivity" to improve the quality of life, instead it inspired "greedy", which could back fire to destroy the civilization.

ut the BIL doesn't agree. He says that I am too cynical and Communism is the monster for mankind....etc.
  tell him, he will be fired soo - ItsScheme 11/01/08 (225)
    he won't care much. - 水滴~ 11/02/08 (201)
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