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again, i'm not a professionals
送交者: ItsScheme 2008月11月02日14:14:59 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 问声好sunshine 于 2008-11-01 22:28:15
in financial industry. I'm not qualified to give advice on investment. However, without charge a fee, there is no legal liability should you listen to my advice.

if you are young, you may need to spend time to manage your own financial affair. It will be well worth the time you spend in long run. If you are near retirement, then by all mean, put your money in a safe investment, oh, sh!t. even money market fund are "not safe" anymore.

Also, you need to know yourself. To be an investor or trader. If you just want some return on investment in long term. I'm afraid that financial market is not a conventional investment community anymore for next decade at least. You need sector rotation every few months to few years. Timing is the key in rotation.

I can addd on and on, but it is beyond space and time allowed here. wish you success in your investment.
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