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送交者: ItsScheme 2008月11月02日14:42:09 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: glad seeing you still活蹦乱跳扫盲教育 于 2008-11-02 05:25:51
my "broadcast". Can you arrange radio frequency of AM 911 for me? It'd be greatly appreciated if you can register AM 911 nationwide for me. But why No. 8?

Glad to know there is someone can discuss with me on same page/level about trading.

Under normal market condition, I usually have delta neutral only to slightly directional bias, you may know i was bearish bias in the past. Plus I hedge negative delta with underlying-not conventional with call, therefore the gamma effect is almost negligible to the down side. However, if market goes(swing) up without any pull back. Then I have to take gamma into consideration seriously. A dynamic delta hedge is needed every few days. Glad I’m a good trader so that I can adjust position during intraday up and down to minimize the effect of gamma.

Under the extremely market condition such as past few weeks, indeed a dynamic adjust can’t keep the pace of the drop of the market. Therefore trader has the choice of add delta aggressively on the way down or close position completely or hedge gamma expensively.

I have very small position in last 3 months since I was not at my home in past 3 months, 1 month in China and 2 months in Greenwich, so that I don’t have much gain or loss though i do have few trades.

Again, thank you for your care.
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