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23% and 38% fib for intraday
送交者: k19 2008月11月12日10:37:02 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: ok ok get out here at 872ItsScheme 于 2008-11-12 09:36:24
tells if we will get an reversal.
in the past week we bounce lower from 23% and today we bounced off 38% once.
if we break 38% solidly, you will get a good reversal. so I am not trusting any bounce until it close to 50% retrae on intraday. Too busy adjust my fib to the new lows everyday recently. LOL

I found there isn't much intraday pattern in the past few days. But fib works like magic.
  ????? obviously, i have - ItsScheme 11/12/08 (274)
    if you be nice, I would - k19 11/12/08 (163)
    the fib # of teh intraday high - k19 11/12/08 (216)
      lol. nobody bullshit on you - ItsScheme 11/12/08 (226)
        Sure, no offense. - k19 11/12/08 (169)
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