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so up, then so down
送交者: kenn2003 2008月11月18日07:02:47 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 飞柳: 美国真的”资不抵债”了吗?飞柳 于 2008-11-15 16:46:42
i feel so up, then down while reading your article.

your article is so convincing so informative and so analytical.

and i almost want to give you a nobel prize

but, the paragraph #3 counting from the end sucks me so much

you said, the mighty usa is due to the poltical system, blobloblo, ...

that negates my impression you are a really analytical person.

usa has a vast land 3 times more usable than china's, and 1/5 of chinese population

this is the #1 of #1 important thing behind everything!!!

you ignore this but mentioned all less important factors, less important in two order of magnitudes,

this really sucks me!!!
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