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Why you guys can't accept the
送交者: k19 2008月11月18日20:52:42 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 飞柳: 美国真的”资不抵债”了吗?飞柳 于 2008-11-15 16:46:42
fact that America is broke?

America is broke, They are broke at every level. From Federal to state to city to corporation to individuals. A lot of wealth in this country are bubbles.

Let me give you some number(it might be off a little, but you will get the idea)
National debt avg for a family of 4 120k, the entitlement programs(SS, Medicare, Medicad) 500k.
So add the mortgage, credit card debt, car payment. Every american family have at least 750k debt that they have to pay. That does not include the debt from the states and the cities. You tell me they are not broke?

Accept the facts. The truth will set you free.
  To be broken you have to find - 昆仑山上一棵草 11/20/08 (148)
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