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I know. not everyone have time
送交者: k19 2008月11月20日17:23:30 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: i have no time. sorry. buddyItsScheme 于 2008-11-18 12:09:51
to make money.

But there are hell of alot people have plenty of times to lose money.

I surely know what you are talking about clearly. And I am not going to complain you bullshit on me. hahaha. Wonder why you are so hostile. I am just trying to help.

Too bad I don't take bullshit. Bullshit back to you, buddy.
You maybe one of those overly educated, and overly paid "professionals". But I will make money off your people's stupidity and arrogance. And thank you so much for your contribution.
hahaha. this shit is fun, seriously.
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