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I knew this comming a year ago
送交者: k19 2008月11月28日10:17:32 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 俺没有根据,但越来越信阴谋论。:)水滴~ 于 2008-11-26 18:24:47
Yes they are stealing our money. They are take whatever money is left on the table. Tehy willl leave nothign for obama.

Fed balance sheet went from 800b to 3 trillion is few month. And they will need more.

About commerical paper, Corporations get their short term loans from the commerical paper market. The Banks are not lending and corps need loans to run their biz. They used to borrow short term loans so they roll those papers every 3 months. Since the banks not lending their can keep their payrolls. Yes Fed and treasury are buying those commercial paper market running. But it can't last forever. Cause the small business will not have access to it. And many will close the door right after the xmas.
  thanks for your explanation. - 水滴~ 11/28/08 (130)
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