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actually, i'm going to las
送交者: ItsScheme 2008月12月02日09:11:52 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: you are good at winning水滴~ 于 2008-12-01 15:10:46
vegas for "professional development". lol. rest assured that i'll never spend a penny on gambling.

There is a traders' conference this coming weekend sponsored by xxx hedge funds. over 30 "great" traders will make a presentation with few hundreds of audiences. Well, even sponsored by someone, i still pay over 1000 dollars for a welcome cocktail party, 2 nights hotel, meals, materials, etc. Those audiences have to pay over 2000 dollars.

i'll not make any trading next few days and will be busy in preparing slide and handout though i can still watch market bit once a while. oh, probably i should let free2005 to do that for me so that i can still trading...;)

i'll be back sunday night and wait few days till kids off the school for winter vocation and yes, we will go to hawaii during christmas seasons as usual. did i broadcast this before or? lol.
  wow! you are invited to - 水滴~ 12/02/08 (225)
    no, it has nothing to do with - ItsScheme 12/02/08 (214)
      hehe. :) Have a safe trip!  /无内容 - 水滴~ 12/02/08 (184)
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