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I used to think so too, but
送交者: egghead1 2008月12月05日08:30:51 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 现在趁美国BOND高涨, 中国可以大量抛掉QWE 于 2008-12-05 04:13:38
now I think it may not be a bad idea for China to hold Treasuries. When this crisis is over, US is still likely to be the number one country for many years. Look at Europe, Japan, and other regions. They are even worse than the US, economy and stock market wise. So by becoming the number one holder of US Treasuries, China will live and die with US. US can't easily destroy China because its own fate is closely linked with China.
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    中国最近买了不少油,中国储备设施有限, - 枯木朽株 12/05/08 (260)
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