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Sure, just buy buy buy
送交者: k19 2008月12月11日09:52:53 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Markets refuse to go down, not6degrees 于 2008-12-09 08:02:56
Peak stupidity.

Market refused to go down even we have so much bad news.

That is the only reason to buy more. Hmmm? Is is logic or stupidity?
Tell me why the market bottommed? Give me some reason.

YOu don't want to hear my reasonS, do you? When it start to go down there will be a stamped. Don't get ran over by bears. Good luck.
  Stamped? hmm maybe tomorrow. - k19 12/12/08 (100)
  神志不清,语法错误百出,重写! /无内容 - 福村 12/11/08 (128)
    go get a dictionary - k19 12/12/08 (102)
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