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送交者: kcho1348 2008月12月18日08:26:16 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 胡祈: 美国离发行“新美元”多远?胡祈胡想 于 2008-12-13 05:48:32
US have moral and ethical problems, sending the wrong doer to jail will build more confidence than pumping more money to economy.

1. Ex-president of NASDAQ, Bernie Madoff, operates the Ponzi scheme for 20 years for $50 billion. How many more Ponzi scheme in Wall Street? The offshore secret companies created by Wall Street are huge bubbles, how many crooks are prosecuted?

2. The whole manufacturing capability is demised. US economy is 70% service related, just like one person makes a pair of shoe, one person sells it, another person polishes it, another person repairs it, and another person just pushing some paper around for that pair of shoe. How can an economy last for very long?

3. Currently, average American has 16 credit cards and carrying $16,200 balances, and people also over burdened by over spending in the past. When people can not borrow any more and can not pay their credit cards, then a bigger avalanche than the subprime crisis will come?

4. The financial institutions is leveraged 30 to 40 times, just like I have 100 dollar in my pocket, but I spend the money like I have 3,500 dollar in my pocket. When I go to a casino and betting 3,500 on a table and I won, I put all the winning in my own pocket, when I lose the bet, Uncle Sam will bail me out. What the hell is this?

5. It is true; the total subprime loan amount is only 5% to 6% of the total loan amount. However, because of the subprime loan, the medium price of home in US is increased 65% in the past 8 years, and income for average person is hardly changed. The home price is most likely to decline for another couple years.

6. This country has negative saving rate, the average person have very little money in the bank today. Most people, if they save anything at all, put it in their 401k (stock market) and the stock market is down 45% from its high of 14,000. The end result is 45% of the savings disappeared. Where is money?

7. The accumulated federal deficit was 5.5 trillion dollar 8 years ago. The deficit is double in 8 years to almost 11 trillion dollar. In this year, the federal Government deficit is more than one trillion. The estimated bailout money tally by Bloomberg News is 9 trillion dollar already. Who is going to pay these?

8. President Obama promised all kinds of goodies, such as tax cut, national health insurance, etc. to American in the total amount of 3.4 trillion dollar. Where is the money? More taxes? More deficits?

9. According to Guardian, a UK publication; US is the world largest user and exporter of child pornography (Japan is next). According to United States Postal Service, the confiscated Child Pron DVD is growing 60% in recent years, 2,200 person are arrested in the past few years. The people committed crime, should be in jail.

10. I am using CEO of Lehman Brothers as an example, Dick Fuld made 490 million dollars and Dick has guts to correct a congressman during a congressional hearing that he only made 350 million dollar, not 490 million dollars. The captains of US economy have no shame left? no heart left?

11. When vast majority of taxpayers against Wall Street bailout, why the congress still pass it? Could it be the congressman added 150 billions of so called "sweeteners" in addition to 700 billion dollars bailout? How much political contribution the congressmen receive from the company operating in American Samoa? The producers of wooden arrows? The rum produces in Virgin Islands?

12. In June 2006, Goldman Sachs spent $2.6 billion for a 5 percent stake in the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China's largest state-owned bank. For the fourth quarter, Goldman earned $949 million in profits from this investment. Indeed, most major western banks ‘invested’ in China’s state-owned banks and made several hundred percent profit a year. Goldman Sachs still lost 2.6 billion in Q4. How many years can this last?
  有见地,可如何变成自己口袋里的钱泥 - 王八蛋2 12/19/08 (160)
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