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It is useless.
送交者: k19 2008月12月28日16:28:53 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 这个会不会引出相当规模的sucker rally?6degrees 于 2008-12-25 08:40:20
Obama want to create 500k more jobs after we got worse econ data. WTF. This guy is a con artist. He conned everyone.

We lost at least 250 trillion dollars. You think few trillion will solve the problem? Not a chance.

Sucker rally? hahaha, unless you are the sucker. A lot of money are out of the market for good. If those people have foresight to see this comming. They will be smart enough to keep it out of the market. Those who are dumb enough to stay in the market does not have more to put in. Of course they can always manipulate the market here and there. But you will be a fool to believe we are going to go much higher. It is getting worse. In most of the case, nobody have ever seen situation like this before. It is beyond me that so many keep calling for a bottom.

Saddly, we might have a economic crisis morphed into a global conflict(wars, fights, riots etc). Watch what is going on closly. It is getting very very ugly.
  Who lost 250 trillion dollars? /无内容 - 6degrees 12/28/08 (122)
    on derivatives.whoever owns it - k19 12/29/08 (126)
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