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送交者: deliver 2014月07月30日18:21:47 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 第四届股坛大师赛金牌榜【第4周】穿墙屁 于 2014-07-26 08:38:30

Extremely Overvalued and Upside Is Unlikely

The S&P 500 hit the high of 1962.42 continuing to selloff from our change in trend call for July 24 from 1991. Traders need to watch for any violation of the 1955 in 1960 range as this could continue issues for the overall market since we are seeing large divergence on the 60 minute chart and all our targets, three indexes have been reached. We do think that this market is extremely overvalued and the upside is becoming less likely or at a much greater risk for the reward.


标  题 (必选项):
内  容 (选填项):
回国机票$360起 | 商务舱省$200 | 全球最佳航空公司出炉:海航获五星
海外华人福利!在线看陈建斌《三叉戟》热血归回 豪情筑梦 高清免费看 无地区限制
一周点击热帖 更多>>
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