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昨天说得有点准, 今天再贴一个,
送交者: deliver 2014月07月31日20:38:28 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 这次说得挺肯定---不可不信, 不可全信deliver 于 2014-07-30 18:21:47
这次不一样? 有一件事是肯定的, 跌的话比涨得快。 看来咱们熊熊的好日子来了。

Beginning Of Longer Correction
The S&P 500 sold off dramatically hitting the low of 1930.67 closing at the low of the day. The S&P was off by 2% and down 39.40 points and over 60 points in 6 trading days from my change in trend call on September 24 at 1991. Traders need to be mindful that this could be the beginning of a longer corrective action lasting over a great deal of time. Weve been seeing and noting in our commentary for quite some time dramatic divergence that has been lingering over this price action and that it was very vulnerable to a corrective action. 

We have seen the first beginnings of this and it is important to understand that very likely this kind of action will continue and very likely get more dramatic as time goes on. Prices of the potential to drop another 300 S&P points toward the 15 to 1600 range where this would be extremely important for prices to maintain and hold. Any violation of that area for electing would bring prices down to the 1200 1100 range and the S&P. 

Traders need to be mindful that we have had a long run in the overall market can we could be seen a potential top forming. Unless we see a violation of the 1990 or 2000 range we are officially bearish on this action and any counter moves very likely will be sold into.

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一周点击热帖 更多>>
2013: 卖出第二批IAG@5.3,BOT@4.5。
2013: 吴迪:威胁全局的地方债务定时炸弹
2012: 日本首富和他的惊人创业传奇
2011: 香港“领带大王”
2011: Shiff, Keiser, Celente & Pauls:
2010: 好啊好啊:中国大陆A股指数8月运行的推
2010: love阳光:下周逢高依旧是站在卖方
2009: 终于明白了人定胜天的道理。人有多大胆
2009: ok no sign take out day high