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congratulation you finally
送交者: ItsScheme 2009月01月07日15:13:00 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 预测是不准的, 必须等到信号来拉, 就立即跑QWE 于 2009-01-07 13:41:34
got the sell signal in one and a half month. We had several return trips already;) and we will soon...

In fact those common signals such as: market is above SMA 50, EMA 50, MACD positive divergence and cross over and cross above ZERO, oscillator is netural, and a lot other siginals are bullish yesterday, but why does market go down today?

never mind my questions because i know it is a scheme on wall st. if the signals really work, then traders like me will make no money. As a matter of fact that all signals are generated from prices and volumes. If one know how to read the tape(price, volume), then he is ahead of the signal and hence ahead of the herd, and leading the sheeps to the slaughter house. This repeated hundreds of years.

seriously, play stock is playing the odds, the probabilities. forcasting is based on probabilities, the tendency of the market, the experience of the traders, the charts and some sheeps mentalities.

keep up good work.
  and we will... - efinancialgame 01/08/09 (132)
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