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i'm sorry to hear that
送交者: efinancialgame 2009月01月14日20:01:10 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: once againYani 于 2009-01-14 14:05:43
some people are cheating in the game...

In current economic condition, long term investors should sell all their holding, don't pray for come back in short term.

For swing traders, in order to avoid the whiplash, don't open position in the morning, especially first hour. do close overnight position in the morning. use options to reduce the risk if necessary.

For day trading/scalping, avoid dull time such as noon, one has to act fast when opportunity presents. If one can't watch the market all day long, don't do the day trading/scalping.

Because of the strict rules which were set by my self. None of my (swing/day trading) order has been filled this week.
  thanks 4 your precious inputs - Yani 01/15/09 (234)
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