ItSchedme and 笑菡 are the other two knowledgeable people here. 笑菡 is an experienced professional in the circle, while ItScheme is more like a highly skilled 土八路的武工队。I think nobody will always be right in the long term, including Buffet.
In the past year, the Federal government and Wall Street have been working together cooking their books and misleading the pubic and other countries. Small traders do not have information access as them, and that make it more dangerous for us. We need to be extremely careful because one misjudgement can ruin the life of one family.
Barclay claimed their earning will top the high end estimates this year, yet a couple of months ago they got cash injection from Qatar for half of their shares with 14% interest each year. What a joke! I think it will go belly up sometime this year.
Worst it yet to come.