Good call |
送交者: jstone 2015月09月01日03:32:29 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 下周如再大跌再买vxx的扑 由 deliver 于 2015-08-30 17:55:15 |
deliver, Jan 16 20 puts may be as cheap as 1.2-1.5 today due to the expected sell off. The volatility will eventually retreat even the stock price stays low in future. I will keep adding shares whenever available. If going high, we can buy 25 puts. SP500 may go as low as 1875 set last time, I will see off 2/3 of my short positions. I am expecting it may go as low as 1825 in extreme. Good luck! jstone
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